Steve Cohen of Memphis ‘Failed Miserably’ Trying to Force Audience Applause for Robert Mueller


Tennessee Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen of Memphis evidently embarrassed himself Wednesday as former special counsel Robert Mueller wrapped up his testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees.

And this time the awkwardness had nothing with a bucket of chicken.

According to a video on, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerold Nadler, a Democrat representing New York’s 10th Congressional District, brought Wednesday’s hearing to a close, but before he did he requested the following:

“Before we conclude I ask everyone to remain seated and quiet while the witness exits the room,” Nadler said.

At that point, Mueller got up to leave.

A person out of the camera’s line of sight applauded, regardless, for a few seconds. Then that person stopped after realizing no one else had followed his or her lead.

According to journalists and one Capitol Hill employee who posted on Twitter, that person was none other than Cohen.

• ABC Capitol Hill reporter Ben Siegel said on Twitter that Cohen started “clapping for Mueller as he walks out of the room at the end of the hearing, but quickly stops after nobody else joins in.”

• A Twitter user going by the name Falkalicious Jess, who said she works on the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, wrote “LMAO Steve Cohen tried to start a slowclap and failed miserably.”

• Playboy Washington correspondent Alex Thomas wrote on his Twitter page that “as Bob Mueller leaves the room, Rep. Steve Cohen starts clapping then shouts ‘thank you’ to him.”

• Daily Beast reporter Sam Brodey wrote on Twitter that “there was a slow clap started as Mueller left. Started by — who else — Rep. Steve Cohen.”

• Yahoo News national correspondent Alexander Nazaryan wrote “The first half of his testimony is over. As Mueller leaves, there is clapping from Rep. Steve Cohen.”

According to The Memphis Commercial Appeal’s account of Wednesday’s hearing “Cohen used Mafia imagery” while questioning Mueller about U.S. Republican President Donald Trump.

This, as it pertained to Trump’s reported unhappiness over former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusing himself from investigating Russian tampering in the 2016 election.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Steve Cohen” by Steve Cohen.





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24 Thoughts to “Steve Cohen of Memphis ‘Failed Miserably’ Trying to Force Audience Applause for Robert Mueller”

  1. […] As reported in July, Cohen embarrassed himself as former special counsel Robert Mueller wrapped up his testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees. […]

    1. Chris Daniels

      Because he is a idiot

  2. Jim Forsythe

    Why would anyone applaud Robert Mueller? He is pure trash.
